Business Interpretation
and Translation

Korean (BIT-K)


Designed to advance written and spoken accuracy in English within a business context

Developing the necessary skills for competency and proficiency in translation and interpretation

Provides the opportunity to broaden use of the English and Korean language knowledge in a specialized way

Exposure to a variety of business contexts that exercise language skills such as, but not limited to:

– Formal business writing and speech
– Business culture mannerisms
– Business jargon and phrasal verbs
– Informal business communication

Successful completion

Certificate (4 weeks)

  • Qualified to take Korea’s International Interpretation Translation Association (ITT) foundation level exam

– Diploma (8 weeks)

  • Translation and interpretation certification from Korea’s International Interpretation Translation Association (ITT)
  • Free Korea’s International Interpretation Translation Association (ITT) advancement level exam


  • Exam preparation for certification provided by Korea’s International Interpretation Translation Association (ITT)
  • Commonly used phrases and expressions in everyday situations
  • Application of course curriculum through in-class simulations
  • Clarification of common mistakes and errors made by native Korean speakers


  • Interview with a Global College Instructor AND;
  • Global College’s Placement Test indicating a minimum of GC 5 OR;
  • IELTS 5.0 OR;
  • Other proven and deemed acceptable equivalency by Global College.


9:00-12:00 PM
English to Korean
GC – ITT Vocab & Article/ Listening GC – ITT Vocab & Article/ Listening GC – ITT Vocab & Article/ Listening GC – ITT Vocab & Article/ Listening Weekly Test
12:00-01:00 PM LUNCH
01:00-03:00 PM
Korean to English
ITT/Business Phrasal & Useful ITT/Business Phrasal & Useful ITT/Business Phrasal & Useful ITT/Business Phrasal & Useful

* Translation and Interpretation

23 instructional hours per week
Intake Monday every 4 weeks


While taking BITK program at Global College, I struggled the most in translating and writing down the sentences into my own words. At first, long and seemingly impenetrable passages made me feel frightened and overwhelmed.
I gradually gained confidence and a good command of translation as I have made progress in translating daily articles in GC translation classes. Additionally, taking BITK course through Global College has also allowed me to earn ITT certificate and learn practical English usage like business jargons and idioms. By translating business articles, I was exposed to various translation techniques and business vocabularies; leading me to achieve higher learning and advanced English.
I would highly recommend GC’s BITK program to anyone who is interested in perfecting translation skills and obtaining ITT certificate; the necessary Korean job qualification.