Business English

Fundamentals and Applications (BE-FA)

Our Business English Program allows students to understand the language
and dynamics of the business world in an English speaking environment.


Business English with two interrelated focuses

– Business Fundamentals and Essentials of Communications
– Business Applications and Culture

English training necessary for an international work environment

Cultural awareness, work place mannerisms and practice

Business jargon and commonly used expressions

Fundamentals and skill building in listening, reading, writing, and speaking in a business context

Awareness and use of formalities and informalities

Successful completion

– Certificate (4 weeks)
– Diploma (8 weeks)


  • Integrates both language skill building with application in simulated business context
  • Familiarizing with companies and internationally branded organizations through case studies
  • Opportunity for networking and marketing with companies
  • Intensive workshops for necessary workplace skills
  • Data collection through surveying and research for group projects


  • Interview with a Global College Instructor AND;
  • Global College’s Placement Test indicating a minimum of GC 3 OR;
  • IELTS 3.5 OR;
  • Other proven and deemed acceptable equivalency by Global College.


9:00-12:00 PM Business English Theory Business English Theory Business English Theory Business English Theory Business English Theory
12:00-01:00 PM LUNCH
01:00-03:00 PM Case Study & Skill Building Case Study & Skill Building Case Study & Skill Building Case Study & Skill Building Workshop

* Sample Business Fundamentals and Essentials

25 instructional hours per week
Intake Monday every 4 weeks

Kenyu Sakuraba

Yumi teacher taught us lots of North Amerian’s business style such as how to negotiate and how to built relationship with the clients and so on. Allen’s class was more discussion base and we talked a lot about case studies. The class was small members, so I could have more chance to speak with class mates and teachers.
Back to Japan, I didn’t have to speak out in the class, but I felt different in Canada, I have to speak out and say my opinion, it was good practice for me!